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Mailing Address
2655 Overhill Drive
Stephenville, Texas, 76401
(254) 968-7990

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions of Stephenville Education Foundation benefitting the public schools of Stephenville ISD.

How does the Stephenville Education Foundation benefit students?
The Foundation supports student programs, projects and initiatives that do not receive tax-based funding. It also promotes and recognizes academic excellence by students and innovative instruction by teachers and staff.
How does the Stephenville Education Foundation benefit the community?
A community is more attractive to business because of effective, strongly supported public schools. The Foundation expresses that support. It also builds bridges between schools and the community, between current leaders and the leaders of tomorrow.
We already pay taxes. Why should we donate to the Stephenville Education Foundation?
Tax dollars support mandated education. Foundation funding enhances the educational system, making it possible to offer Stephenville ISD students the highest quality educational opportunities and experiences.
Get In Touch
Telephone: (254) 968-7990