Kathleen Sims at the Stephenville High School received a teacher grant from Stephenville Education Foundation for digital math portfolios. The grant was requested so students could create a math portfolio depicting their understanding of concepts with the use of a precision stylus. The purpose was to simplify and make it easier for the students to take notes and do online interactive with their iPads while in class.

Benefiting Algebra I 9th graders, the grant of $538 was given so that 95 students could make an online, interactive notebook versus the traditional paper composition notebooks. Sims recognized that an online interactive notebook would be harder to lose work, helping students keep track of it. With this project, students had their own work to study and learn from.

The effectiveness of the project was measured by observing the turn-in percentage of homework compared to last year. The goal of the project was to increase the homework rate by 5%. The goal was surpassed with a 6% increase in students’ homework turn-in rate.

Though there was an increase in turn-in homework rate, there was an unanticipated result of the project. About 25% of the students were not successful with digital copies of the homework and notes. At that time, Kathleen started printing paper copies for those students.

Kathleen shares that if she were to do this project again, she would include replacement tips in the budget. Though each stylus came with one replacement tip, the tips are easily damaged and broken. Overall, this Stephenville High School educator claims this project a success.

According to Sims, the Algebra I class was very grateful for the grant assistance that Stephenville Education Foundation provided. It is the goal of the Stephenville Education Foundation to encourage all students to work to their highest potential through an innovative curriculum.

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