Grants Awarded Fall 2014
Central Elementary
Trike For Mobility
Teacher – Adam Phillips
Pre-K and K Special Needs
Purchase of Special Needs Trikes – Bicycle safety, cardiovascular endurance, lower body muscular strength and imporving students overall health through low impact cyclying
Play Therapy – The art of the Relationship
Teacher – Carline McCullough
Pre-K and K
Purchase of Play Therapy Kits. To increase the quality and effectiveness of the counseling to young students when traditional talk therapies are not as effective.
Stephenville High School
3-D Printing Materials
Teachers – Allen Mayes and Steven Rains
9 – 12 Robotics, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science
Project exposes students to the relatively ew field of 3D printing, also introduces them to the field of materials engineering. Students learn the impact of using recyclable materials and practice the fundamentals of recycling beyond just collecting.
Teaching Optics using inquiry with real world applications
Teacher – Brian Salge
11 – 12 Physics and Anatomy
Purchase of Ray Optics Demonstration kits and two models of the Human Eye. Allows students to make observations and work through figuring out the ideas for themselves. Promotes student engagement.
Teacher – D’Anna Green
9 – 12 Outdoor Adventure
Purchased 10 GPS units – Students will learn the meaning of Geocaching, what a GPS device is and how it works, where they are found and how to hide, safety tips and how to locate and report. There are over 300 geocaches within 20 miles of Stephenville.
iTunesU Capability with Class Set of iPads
Teachers – Bill Brooks, Russell Mayes, and Rick Sherrod
U.S. History
Purchase of 4 iPad Airs and Cases. Taking Tech and implementing it with classroom instruction through Apple app iTunesU. These courses let the teachers give each class a customized learning experience. Teachers can create and manage their course and students can experience it all from the iTunesU app on the iPad.
Trike For Mobility
Teacher – Adam Phillips
Pre-K and K Special Needs
Purchase of Special Needs Trikes – Bicycle safety, cardiovascular endurance, lower body muscular strength and improving students overall health through low impact cycling
Get In Touch
Telephone: (254) 968-7990